Friday 4 October 2013

Sustainable/Holistic Marketing

Healthy long term growth for a brand requires that the marketing organization be managed properly. Holistic marketeers must engage in a host of carefully planned, interconnected marketing activities and satisfy an increasingly broader set of constitutions. They must also consider a wider range of effects of their actions. Corporate social responsibility and sustainability have become a priority as organizations grapple with short term and long term effects of their marketing. Some firms have embraced this new vision of corporate enlightenment and made it the very core of what they do.

The parent company of Kissan i.e. HUL shows more interest in CSR also as:
From 2004 to 2008 it has reduced the emission of Carbon di-oxide by more than 25% in the manufacturing.

HUL follows 5 R strategies to deal with the Green House Gases (GHG):
  • Reduce
  • Re-Use
  • Recycle
  • Recover
  • Renew

HUL uses Agricultural wastages as the fuel (Ground nut shells, bagasse, saw dust, Coconut shells, cashew etc)

 Kissan has launched a unique marketing campaign, Kissanpur, which encourages children to plan and grow tomatoes and participate in an online contest. The campaign is aimed to bring alive the proposition of Kissan ketchup of ‘100% Real Tomatoes’ while also engaging the kids in a fun and interesting manner.

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